Meeting Spaces

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Offering different ways to connect face to face.

We’ve got options! Our meeting spaces vary in size and amenities. All meeting spaces are free to schedule for monthly members and are available for non-member rental.

Seminar Room

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seminar room

Our seminar room is the perfect space for your next professional gathering. Comfortably seating 24 classroom style seats, this is a great place to share presentations, host a lunch and learn, or launch your next big idea.

  • Desk seating for 24
  • 65” Viewsonic w/virtual classroom technology
  • Whiteboard
  • Computer

Conference Room

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conference room

Our private conference room seats 8 and is an ideal spot for a small board or team meeting.

  • Conference table for eight
  • 55” Smart TV
  • Video Cam
  • Whiteboard
  • Computer

Meeting Room (Vault)

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meeting room

Our most unique and casual meeting spot- The Vault! Converted from the building’s original historic bank vault, this space offers casual seating for eight guests. The perfect place to meet and share ideas.

  • Casual seating for eight
  • 65” Viewsonic w/camera
  • Whiteboard      
  • Computer

Rooms are free to members!